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An Uncommon Flower

Just past the summer solstice, and we have gone from wet and cool to hot and humid.  The vegetables are breathing a sigh of relief as the heat gives us hope of regaining momentum for the farm year.  One of the first signs of optimism is seeing the garlic scapes develop.  Garlic scapes are the flower head or bulbil of the hard-neck garlic bulb. In early summer each bulb sends up a bright green flower head as one way of reproduction.  If left to grow these bulbils will develop small seeds, after the bloom dies back.  Garlic growers cut off these bulbils or ‘scapes’ for two very good reasons.  One, if left on the plant, the bulb will send all its energy to the bulbil and seed development rather than bulb size; and two, the scapes themselves are a delicious culinary treat.

Scapes are wonderful in stir fries, pasta, potato salad or scrambled eggs.  Anything you can use garlic in, you can use a scape.  In fact I put up several freezer bags full to use  throughout the year.  Simply cut the scape into one inch pieces and fill up your freezer bag or container.  No need to blanch and they don’t stick together when frozen.  This way you can remove whatever quantity needed and seal the bag back up.  Easy peasy.


One of my favorite ways to preserve their early summer flavor is to make pesto.  The wonderful thing about pesto is you can adjust it to your taste preferences.  Feel free to substitute Italian parsley, cilantro, Swiss chard or spinach for the basil; or pistachios, walnuts and sunflower seeds for the pine nuts.  Pecorino Romano can be substituted for Parmesan.  It also freezes beautifully.  Simply place in 4 ounce canning jars but be sure to drizzle a little extra-virgin olive oil on top of each jar; this prevent discoloration.  If making pesto to freeze multiply the recipe for the quantity needed.  Try it as a substitute for tomato sauce on a pizza, spread it on a sandwich or toss it with pasta.  I like to top grilled chicken breasts, fish or a steak with a dollop of this green magic.




  1. 1 cup garlic scapes, sliced crosswise (about 10-12 scapes)

  2. 1/4 cup toasted pine nuts or other nut of your choice

  3. 1/4 cup Parmesan or Pecorino

  4. 1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil

  5. 1/2 cup packed basil leaves or other green of your choice

  6. Juice from one lemon

  7. Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste



  1. Place everything except lemon juice and olive oil in bowl of a food processor.  Pulse for 5-6 times or until ingredients turn into a paste.

  2. With motor running, slowly pour olive oil through feed tube.  Stop when necessary  to scrape down sides.

  3. Open lid and add lemon juice, salt and pepper.  Pulse a few times.  Taste and adjust seasoning.

  4. Place in 4 ounce canning jars to freeze and/or use in recipe of your choice.

Yields: 1 cup


“Too lazy to peel fresh?  You don’t deserve to eat garlic!”  — Anthony Bourdain 

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